Two national church planters called home – Their testimony
His remarkable journey in the ministry began when he was employed in the Bible school as a cook
His remarkable journey in the ministry began when he was employed in the Bible school as a cook
“If I speak about this publicly or in any other place like social media, I’ll get into trouble,” he said, “but the fact is that these kids need help, but they (the authorities) try to sweep them under the rug.”
The STORY Behind the Story – When Necessity Becomes the Mother of Invention (ministry supplies). Here , you see a young boy struggling to color a page …
This past Sunday, Agape Baptist Church became the 5th center where we launched our TAL Sunday feeding center program. Praise the Lord!
The world knows that on Monday, February 6, not one earthquake but two earthquakes and multiple aftershocks hit southern Turkey.
From A Hindu Childhood to Atheism to Christianity, a preacher story. He was born and bought up in a Hindu idol-worshiping family.
2nd Quarter issue of the Progress Report – Smugglers; I want to thank my God for saving my soul and calling me to spread the Gospel’s message …
When it comes to making a generous and meaningful gift, charitable gift annuities can bring many desirable benefits. Not only are gift annuities tax deductible
Dear praying friends! At 3 am Ukrainian time this morning, the Russian army blew up the Kahovska dam in southern Ukraine. They did it with no warning as people slept…
In the last quarter these men started 8 new churches, reported 220 salvation decisions and baptized 88!