We received a wonderful report of 3 motorcycles being delivered in the first week of February, thanks to your support. Below you can read the report from our Kenya director….
How your support is so vital in Kenya
The report below comes from one of our Touch A Life feeding locations in Kenya, and is written by our regional director. As Illula Bible Baptist Church, we would like…
Wells in Kenya
Praise the Lord for your faithfulness to fund two more wells, pumps and water tanks at feeding centers in Kenya! Please read the report from our regional director and be…
Orphan Brothers Find HELP, HOPE at Feeding Center
Bruce and Morgan, orphaned brothers in Kenya, have found hope and a sense of belonging at a feeding center run by the Illula Bible Baptist Church and Touch a Life program. Their touching story showcases the power of community support.
David Shikambi Luvai
Despite facing numerous challenges, including limited resources and health issues, Pastor David Shikambi Luvai managed to plant 103 churches in Kenya. His story raises important questions about how we support and sustain national preachers in their vital work.
Two more motorbikes in Kenya
The preachers are incredibly thankful for this excellent tool that will assist them in spreading the gospel to unreached areas.
Two national church planters called home – Their testimony
His remarkable journey in the ministry began when he was employed in the Bible school as a cook
5th feeding center is born in Kenya!
This past Sunday, Agape Baptist Church became the 5th center where we launched our TAL Sunday feeding center program. Praise the Lord!
Mission Trip to Uganda – A spectacular ministry
In the last quarter these men started 8 new churches, reported 220 salvation decisions and baptized 88!