Caught in the crossfire of a fierce battle, Pastor Maung and his congregation found refuge in their faith. Bullets flew, houses burned, and chaos reigned, but God’s protection never wavered. Learn how their unwavering faith carried them through this harrowing experience in Myanmar.
Meeting Transportation Needs of Rural Church Planters
The Role of Motorbikes in Combating Wild Animal Attacks In the vast and rugged terrain of rural India, where the call to spread the word of God meets the untamed…
Motorcycles for Preachers
Will You Help Us Buy More Bikes in May? Though prices globally have increased, we can still purchase a suitable motorcycle and provide a helmet, license plate, and registration for…
2023 After Missions Reports
Through your partnership, we’ve seen remarkable strides in evangelism and aid. From Pastor Franklin’s restored truck to the launch of life-sustaining projects, each step has been a leap for our shared cause.
Caring for Widows of Preachers and Missionaries
Dive into the poignant journey of Minna, a steadfast soul spreading faith and love in the face of life’s harshest trials.
Building a Church in India
As I am sure most of you know, the Modi regime has been ratcheting up persecution against religious freedom in India. A government that had at one time been generally…
Empower Women’s Futures: Support Our Sewing School Project
Imagine a journey where education is not only a means to learn a valuable skill but also a path to faith and self-discovery. Over the years, their sewing school has provided training to nearly 400 women, many of whom come from Hindu backgrounds.
One Preacher Story – An Exciting Journey
From A Hindu Childhood to Atheism to Christianity, a preacher story. He was born and bought up in a Hindu idol-worshiping family.
Exciting news from April’s youth camp in Pakistan
“560 campers attended our camp” “In the end, 130 Youngsters accepted the Lord Jesus Christ” Dear Team, Greetings in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, By the grace of God,…
The 21st-Century Missionary – How missionaries are using technology in ministry
In the digital age, technology has become an integral part of our daily lives. From communication to education, it has transformed the way we live, work, and connect with each…