Pakistan Youth Camp Success!

Pakistan summer camp attendees.
Youth Camp

Pakistan Youth Camp Success!

The following report comes from Pakistan, and written by our regional director, Pastor Shaukat. Thank you to every who gave to the Pakistan Summer Camp project this year. We hope you will be blessed to read the results of your sacrifical giving, and the lasting impact it will have!

Dear Team,

I hope you all are doing well by the grace of God. We are incredibly thankful for your support in organizing this youth camp. By God’s grace, we had 200 campers join us, making this a successful event.
The campsite was breathtaking, surrounded by beautiful mountains, rivers, grounds, flowers, plants, and waterfalls. These natural wonders vividly reflected the Creator’s glory, which greatly aided my discussions about Jesus Christ. Our main topic was “Who is Jesus Christ.”

We invited youngsters from various churches, including Pentecostal, Catholic, Presbyterian, and Charismatic churches, as well as people from five different villages and cities. This was their first time attending our camp. Additionally, we welcomed 29 Hindus from desert churches, doubling last year’s number. Praise God for this growth.


  • 200 campers attended this year and by the end of the week;
  • 75 salvation decisions, including 15 Hindus
  • 25 baptisms, including 4 Hindus
  • 35 professed their desire to go and evangelize their community upon their return, and beyond.

Daily Activities

  1. Chapel
  2. Breakfast
  3. Teaching English Songs:
    • “All to Jesus I Surrender”
    • “For God So Loved the World”
    • “Here I Am to Worship”
    • “What a Beautiful Name It Is”
    • “Bless the Lord, O My Soul”
  4. Skits
    • The skits were a huge encouragement, depicting the deity of Jesus Christ and teaching the youth about resisting Satan’s influence. These skits deeply touched the campers, leading many to decide to follow Jesus Christ.
  5. Games
    • The team organized team-building games to illustrate that united, we can overcome Satan’s challenges.
  6. Testimonies
    • Every day, campers shared testimonies about how the camp activities impacted their lives.
  7. Bible Teachings
    • I preached about the Trinity, Jesus as the Son of God, His life, miracles, burial, resurrection, the rapture of the church, and His second coming as a King.

Wonderful News

Two Muslims Accepted Jesus Christ: On the last day, while preaching about the dual personality of Jesus Christ, two Muslim attendees, a teacher and a lawyer, listened from outside the shelter. Afterward, they approached me, expressing their newfound belief in Jesus as the true Son of God. I gifted them Bibles and received their contact information, hoping to visit them in Gilgit-Baltistan province.

One Hindu Decided to Baptize Quickly: On the third day, a Hindu camper accepted Jesus Christ and requested immediate baptism, despite the cold river water. His dedication and willingness were truly inspiring. He said Jesus Christ died for my sins, he nailed for me, how can I refuse baptism in the cold water? It is no problem to do it, I am happy with all things

Five Catholics: Around 20 Catholics attended the camp. During a session on the worship of Mary, a significant discussion ensued where they wanted to prove that is it Biblical to worship Mary. After presenting the historical context and Biblical basis, they appreciated the truth shared and quieted down.

Last Day

On the last day, 25 more youngsters decided to be baptized in the same cold water, bringing glory to Jesus Christ. The camp activities positively impacted all the campers.
Thankful to God for the Staff
This year’s youth camp staff consisted of my new Bible college students. They were well-trained and performed their duties with dedication. Roles included Director, Assistant Directors, Camp Head Counselor, Assistant Counselors, Management Team, and Security Team. Each staff member contributed wholeheartedly to the camp’s success.
I am deeply thankful to my entire team for their hard work and dedication in organizing this camp and winning souls for Christ.
God bless all of you!


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