Feeding children in Kenya

Touch A Life

Feeding children in Kenya

Just one of our feeding center locations – Outspan Baptist Church

This report comes from Outspan Baptist Church and is writting by one of our national church planters. On average 70 children are fed at every meal at this location.

I am delighted to have the precious opportunity to express my gratitude personally and on behalf of the entire Outspan Baptist Church.

It is now close to two years since the initiation of the Touch A Life feeding program in our church ministry. This has been a marvel not only to me or the church but the society at large. Many have been wondering how this program has run consecutively for this long without hitches. On this therefore, I can’t thank you enough and no amount of words can express my sincere gratitude for your relentless heart of sacrifice and love that you have always shown to us and the entire ministry. May the good Lord reward your kindness and grant your petitions as you keep supporting his work through your generous giving.
More so, I wish to give glory to the Lord for every brother and sister who has helped the program, not forgetting the entire Final Frontier team and our national director, Brother George Thumbi.

I also wish to thank God for our church members, especially ladies led by my wife, for being supportive and ensuring proper preparation of meals and other related issues so that the program runs smoothly. All these have played a great role in ensuring the success of the program.I can’t close this chapter without thanking the Final Frontier for the support of the motorbike which has been a great help in ferrying food that can’t be obtained locally. God bless the Final Frontiers.


I finally wish to let you know of the impact and blessing that the Touch A Life feeding program has realized. As the word goes, this is a program that positively touches lives. First, our evangelism to society has become more effective. As more children come to church, we have an opportunity to minister to parents, and we now hardly miss new comers attending our church service and most of them accepting the Lord as their personal Savior.

This has brought about growth in the church congregation and more so increase in our Sunday school class. As it has been said, Sunday school is today’s church and tomorrow’s leadership. I personally believe that five to ten years ahead we shall witness a more different society not only in our community but in our city and in the country.

I am also happy to note that our attendance has become consistent with few absenteeism for the children who may not have had breakfast at home are assured lunch after service, and the mothers too can come to the church service and be attentive, unlike the previous days when they were always in a hurry to go and find lunch for their family.

In general, Touch A Life has always put a smile on the faces of our church members and especially to my family and me as a pastor. It is my prayer that God will bless this program to extend to the other churches for it is a powerful evangelism tool.

Finally, for a testimony, Sharon Cherop is one of many children whose family can hardly afford a meal as they attend church. She thus is a great benefit to the program. Her parents are very thankful for the program and are always there to assist in making sure the program runs effectively.

Let me wish you a happy Easter holiday and the Lord’s blessing on whatever you do as you pray with us.

You can help this feeding center, and allow the program to grow to more churches in Kenya, and around the world, by donating below!


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