Sewing School Graduation

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Sewing School Graduation

Pastor Yelchuri Sudhakar Rao reports that Master Piece Outreach Ministries in India held a graduation in March for the 2024 Sewing School. The women were so happy to receive the certificates and sewing machines, he says, giving this amazing testimony:

“Our sewing school certificate is so valuable that the Government is blessing these women with one time support to establish a small business and no need to pay back the money which they received from the Government. Once again we really appreciate all your valuable support to our ministry.”


  • Jon Nelms

    The Rev. Jon Nelms is the founder of Final Frontiers. Called to missions at the age of eleven, he has been winning souls since he was twelve. Jon was a street preacher, pastor, church planter, and missionary before founding Final Frontiers in 1986 at the age of 30.

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