Have you ever felt like you’ve lost your purpose? This story will challenge that belief. Uncover the true meaning of self-reinvention and the extraordinary potential it can unlock.
Final Frontier’s Foundation on YouTube
From humorous skits to deep-dive missionary interviews, Final Frontiers offers an eye-opening glimpse into the world of missions like you’ve never seen before!
The Greatest Gift of All
Transform the holiday narrative from receiving to meaningful giving. It’s the change we’ve all been waiting for, and Final Frontiers is your vehicle for impact.
Two more motorbikes in Kenya
The preachers are incredibly thankful for this excellent tool that will assist them in spreading the gospel to unreached areas.
How Touch a Life India is making an impact among the children of widows.
The power of the Gospel has changed many lives, and it excites me to know and hear how great and wonderful our God is. One such changed life is mentioned below.
Charitable Giving and Life Insurance Part 3, Whole Life
We are going to spend some time on life insurance. As you may have seen, we already have. I’m taking the time to help you understand the power it can have because it can help you make an impact on missions. I’m also taking the time because it’s important to understand how it works. For this article I am going to describe a made up policy. I am using made up numbers. Why would I do this? So we focus on the concepts and avoid getting into the weeds over numbers. The time to get into the weeds over the numbers is when you are actually looking to establish a policy. Let’s dive in.
A Giant Leap Forward; The Great Commission Fund
What would you think if I told you that our Great Commission Fund has grown so much that we can now support all these men you see in the photo?
Agapge Baptist Church Feeding Center
On behalf of Agape Baptist Church, I am writing to express my gratitude and sincerely thanking you for sponsoring the children feeding program at our church, Agape Baptist.
Charitable Giving and Taxes
We are going to take a moment here and talk about taxes. You may ask, “What do taxes have to do with giving to missions?!” In a word, everything. Because…
Building a Church in India
As I am sure most of you know, the Modi regime has been ratcheting up persecution against religious freedom in India. A government that had at one time been generally…