Thank you for partnering with us in feeding children around the globe through Touch A Life! Here is an update from one of our feeding centers in Kenya that is run out of a local church, Cheplaskei Baptist Church, by one of our sponsored national church planters, Augustine Simiyu.
This is to express our appreciation and gratitude for the support that you have given us by continuously donating to us meals for our children. This has indeed gone a long way in enhancing effective ministry to our children. They can now concentrate and listen as they are taught the word of God without being bothered by hunger like it was in the beginning before you came on board.
The numbers of children who directly benefit from the meals you donate to us is about 60 children up from the initial 30 children before we had meals. This is a very significant increase since last year in the month of may when the feeding program started.

Our Sunday school teachers have reported a significant improvement in the children’s attentiveness while in class and regular attendance unlike it was before when children could prefer to remain home and not go to church saying that they’ll feel hungry if they go to church.

The current challenge we are facing is a suitable kitchen for preparing the food. Currently the church has no kitchen and the food is just prepared in the open space. With the onset of rains in our region, this pauses a challenge. But we thank God even for the availability of the food.
No words are sufficient to express our gratitude enough for what Touch Alife has done to our ministry and the lives of the children in the Cheplaskei Baptist Church and the entire neighboring community. We are indeed blessed by your sacrificial giving and pray that God may increase you.

You can help with our Touch A life program by donating below, or going to our website Daily Bread – Final Frontiers Foundation – Ministries
Thanks good job done